Wednesday, September 8, 2010

it is what it is

i keep saying to myself i am going to keep up on this but i never do. who am i kidding? and eventually i find myself back her to vent off some kind of writers steam to the world. as you know my last post i left for another deployment. and i was as i stated the hardest but its done and over with but some really hard things happened while i was gone. around December my grandmother passed away from cancer(seems to me everyone is going to have this at some point in their lifetime) but with the help of heavenly father i was able to attend her funeral and say goodbye one last time. we returned home in may and shortly after my command was tasked again this time to pearl harbor Hawaii which was a great place to visit and a nice change of pace from south America. as soon as i got there i lost a friend to strep throat. and a week later lost another friend in a tragic car accident. so it seems to me that every time i think it cant get any worse it finds someway to do the last year i have spent 2 1/2 months at home with my family and am excited to say i will no longer be deploying... however i will be staying in the government for another 3 years so my wife can finish her school. after that i see nothing but a whole Lotta track days. deuces readers

Monday, September 28, 2009

Where's my head at?????

well i know its been a while since i have posted (even though nobody reads this post anyways) all of that aside i have had around seven solid months of going home everyday and spending that time with my family and i have to say it has been really good for me and made me realize how important they truly are to me. back in November of 2008 one of my closest friend had committed suicide over his girlfriend which i may never understand but to be honest that was the first person who was that close to me to die and even to this day i have a hard time dealing with it. but after all that happened being with my family though very difficult to be able to handle the stress has been my outlet for coping. i love my family so very much and am saddened for the hard things i have had to put them through. October 5Th i will be leaving for yet another deployment on board USS. McClusky and will be gone for 6 months. this one is probably going to be my hardest deployment just because i was able to spend so much time at home with them. my wife Kelly, 2 1/2 yr old Lilly, and 5 month old daysie. i hope i will be strong for them daysie will not even remember me when i return.

Monday, January 5, 2009

# 2 but not second place

So i returned home from a three month deployment in October. and being married certain things are bound to happen when you get home i guess. so about two months later i found out my wife is pregnant with our second child first is going to be two around the time the next one is due may 20th to be exact. so i found out on this last Friday that along with our first child the second one is a girl. not saying that its a bad thing but its a huge shot at a mans pride or am i wrong? who knows that's just how i feel.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

from kev at peace acadamy

"LISTEN when i say, we have taller buildings and shorter tempers. Wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. WE SPEND MORE, BUT HAVE LESS. We buy more and enjoy less. WE HAVE BIGGER HOMES AND SMALLER FAMLIES. More conveniences, but less time. More knowledge and less judgement. More experts, but still more problems. More medicine, but less wellness. WE DRINK TOO MUCH, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, GET ANGRY TOO QUICKLY, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too seldom, watch TV too much, and PRAY WAAAY TOO SELDOM. We have MULITPLIED OUR POSSESIONS, BUT REDUCED OUR VALUES. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life, not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but yet have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We've conquered outer space, but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things. We've cleaned up the air, however POLLUTED THE SOUL. We've split the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. WE'VE LEARNED TO RUSH, BUT NOT TO WAIT. We have better technology to connect to people worldwide although we actually communicate to each other less. These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion. Tall men, and short character. Steep profits and SHALLOW RELATIONSHIPS. These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare. More leisure, but less fun. More kinds of food, but less nutrition. These are days of two incomes, but more divorce. FANCIER HOUSES, BUT BROKEN HOMES, low values, throw-away morality, taking things for granted, one-night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. IT IS A TIME WHEN THERE IS MUCH IS THE SHOW WINDOW AND NOTHING IN THE STOCKROOM!!...This is sadly the paradox of our time- - - - - - LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, DO GOOD TO THOSE WHO HATE YOU, BLESS THOSE WHO CURSE YOU & PRAY FOR THOSE WHO MISTREAT YOU..."